Hi Everyone

My name is Jemima but everyone calls me Mima. I was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia on 13th June 2007 and had to spend just over 3 weeks in hospital. I have set up this blog so that I can keep in touch with my friends and keep you up to date with what I am doing.


Monday 20th August 2007

We just had THE best weekend in Scotland. I had to have another night in hospital last Wednesday as my port was blocked but eventually after the needle was changed (ouch!) I was allowed to go home on Thursday night and on Friday morning we set off for a long weekend at Gleneagles.

We had a very good journey apart from when I rang the hospital for my blood results and found that my neutrophils were down to 0.04 and my white cells 0.4 although my platelets and hb were both good because I had transfusions on Thursday. This meant that I had to be very careful about infections and had to watch my temperature all weekend. I was hoping to go for a swim but in the end decided it was too risky - never mind.

Daddy had arranged for the four of us to go for a hack around the estate on Saturday morning which was so funny. I had never seen Daddy on a horse before and Emily and I really laughed! I had a lesson on Sunday with Heather and then Emily and I had a lesson together today so loads and loads of riding. It was great.

I found my appetite again and decided I have become a vampire because I really love rare meat and can eat lots and lots of it. There are three restaurants at Gleaneagles and I can tell you they cook very good beef in all of them because I had it in all of them and lots of it! I also designed my own pizza and watched it being cooked. That was yummy too.

We went for a bike ride on the paths around the hotel and Daddy pulled me in a cart behind his bike so I could look at the beautiful scenery in the sunshine. We saw some amazing birds including a massive golden eagle who kept forgetting he was tied up and tried to fly away!

I felt really well all weekend and we all had such a fun time although Daddy said he needs to save up again if we want to go back!


Anonymous said...

Wow!!!! Jemima what a lovely time you had.You and Emily both look so happy.Glad to hear you laughed a lot because you know laughter is the best medicine.
Lots of love

venetia murray said...

Hi Mima,
Sounds like a great weekend and the pictures look like you had such fun. So glad that you were well enough to do all you did, bet the riding was great fun especially watching Daddy!! You must be feeling quite tired this week after such a busy weekend, hope you manage to stay at home this week and have no visits to hospital.
Lots of love Venetia X

Unknown said...

Hi Jemima. The weekend sounded really fun and so glad you were well enough to go away with the whole family. Give my love to mummy and daddy. George (year 7)would like to help again with reading practice as soon as you're feeling better.

Lots of Love Caroline J x

Anonymous said...

Hi Mima

It's great that you managed a holiday and it sounds as though you packed a lot into a weekend!! Do please post a photo of daddy on a horse! What fun.

We went school shoe shopping yesterday and started to think about school again, and we wondered if you would be able to go to school some days. Anyway two more glorious weeks of holiday left so let's make the most of them before we are all back on the early morning treadmill.

LOL Helenx, Jonx, Thomasx and Rebeccax

Freya said...

Dear Jemima

Your blog is great and the pictures are lovely.
You looked really good when you were a bridesmaid!!!
You looked like were having lots of fun on the horse.

Lot's of love your freind Freya

Anonymous said...

Hi Mima, your holiday sounds fun horse riding must have been the best bit. Is that Muffin in the photo? I saw Imogen and Chloe today and they send their love and best wishes. Its my birthday on Friday and i will be in Norfolk, so I am hoping to have a cake on the beach. Only a few weeks before we are back at school, part of me thinks YUK, but really I am looking forward to seeing you and all our friends. Shall we play high school musical at break?
Love Fifi

Carole & John said...

Sounds like you've been having a really good time and the pictures of you and Emily are super. How clever of you to get Daddy to pull you around in a cart while he rode the bicycle. We shall expect to see him doing that around the village.
Give our love to Mummy, Daddy and Emily.
Lots of love
Carole, John and Lottie

Uncle Simon said...

Hi Mima !
Looking at those pictures makes me smile. What a great weekend. Good job for those men in kilts that it wasn't too windy!!
Uncle Simon xx
p.s. Did you you need your passports to get into Scotland? :)

Anonymous said...

Hello Jemima and Emily, My name is Francesca and I used to look after you both at Little Acorns Nursery School a few years ago now. I saw your article in the Leicester Mercury and I'm glad that you're being brave Jemima. You always were a tough little thing!
Love to you and your family
Francesca x

Anonymous said...

Hi darling, Rev'd Barbara here, how brave and great you are it is great to see you and to know you are making good progress. Both you and Emily look great. When I wrote to your mum and dad I called your mum Emily, what a silly vicar I am. I am now living in Lancashire but I miss Billesdon and all of you, life isn't the same. Carol and John tell me how you are getting on and I keep praying for you, so you will soon be back to your old self. Keep smiling, because you have a beautiful smile.
Love and lots of hugs.
Barbara XXXXX

Uncle Simon said...

Dear Jemima
Hi, it's me Kianna
It looks like you had a lot of fun in Scotland and those horses look really fun. I was going to take horseriding lessons but then we got very busy and now I see your picture I really want to go. next time you come to Hawaii we can go together! Lots of love your cousin. ps. I'll be texting you soon!

Uncle Simon said...

Hello Jemima it's Lauren here! I saw your picture with the horse it looks really fun if I come back to see you then I could ride on the horse with you and I hope you can come to Duck Isle. I love you and I hope you like our messages that we are sending you and I hope you get better soon! I want to give you a big kiss that will last forever! X

Anonymous said...

Hi Mima
I read your article in the Leicester Mercury and just had to write to you to say what a brave little girl you are. I was really touched by the article. Great to hear you had such a good time in Scotland and did loads of things you enjoyed.
Keep positive. Do things when you can, and rest when you can't and like Sue says laugh a lot. Hope you continue to improve and good luck. Best wishes to your sister and Mum and Dad. Will say a little prayer for you