Hi Everyone

My name is Jemima but everyone calls me Mima. I was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia on 13th June 2007 and had to spend just over 3 weeks in hospital. I have set up this blog so that I can keep in touch with my friends and keep you up to date with what I am doing.


My sister Emily and Me

This is my sister Emily and me in Mallorca in May Half Term. We went on our scooters out for dinner!


Anonymous said...

Hi Jemima

Noah, Tallulah, Rachel and I are really pleased that you are already using your blog. We really hope it brings you lots of joy.

Love from the Woods x

Unknown said...

Dear Jemima
thank you sooooooooooooooo much for my bag. I agree about good girls and bad boys. I think your new blog is absolutely fabulous.

you are so pretty

Lots of love Freya xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Uncle Simon said...

Hi Jemima !

Your pictures are great. I don't know what you just saw on your laptop , must it must be very funny ! Keep on smiling ! this is the first 'blog' I ever tried, so you've made me feel very teckno-whizzy !!!

Uncle Simon xx

Anonymous said...

Morning Mima,
Emma's away at a fair , hoped you liked your curly wurly,sorry to have missed you and hope you had a good day in Birmingham.
Love Charlie - the fastest man on the slopes

Stewart North said...

Hi Mima

It's fae again. I have made you a poem to cheer you up it is called Currys.

Jalfrazi,Passanda,Bhuna,tindaloo and vindaloo to name a few.
Forget the nan bread and basmati
Just make me plain old curry.
12am 3am 10am 2pm 4pm 6pm 10pm whatever the time, i will have my curry!
Not to share, it is all mine!!
I would like to say they do me some good, the indian spices make me feel warmer. But i don't care about all of that.


Julia Cox said...

Dear Mima

My name is Julia and you have not met me but I think you know my mum called Rita who lives in Mallorca. I used to live in Leicester and knew your mum when she was your age. Our two families would go on holiday together and have a lot of fun. You look very pretty just like her.

Rita talks about you and your sister on the phone to me all the time about how lovely you both are and always looks forward to your visits to Mallorca.

I have heard from her how poorly you have felt but how brave you have been receiving your treatment in hospital. You are obviously a very special girl to have done so well. Keep smiling and keep going and soon it will all be behind you! And I would love to meet you one day. Love from Julia Cox

Anonymous said...

Hello Mima.

You look so pretty and happy in your pictures that it's hard to think you are poorly. We are very proud of you. I have missed seeing you and Emily at Hammondsfield. I hope someone is keeping your bike in good repair. Love from John (lawnboy) and Jen.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mima
my name is Letizia and I have heard about you from your grandma who is a very good friend of a friend of mine (Juliette and Leslie) and so you see how many friends you are aquiring and are gathering around you, of all age, as we are a bit more mature and grown up than you. I work in a hospital in London and have worked for many years with adults with leukaemia and carry out tests as the one you have had recently. Be assured that you are in very good hands and the doctors are WITH you and your family to help you to get better. It will be not too long that you will start feeling almost as you were in the past and then you will be back to normal, as the happy and wonderful girl you are. It is not the easiest of time for you but it will get better a bit every day! It always amases me how fantastically strong children are and because they are the small and wonderful version of what they will look as adults, you will be a fantastic person not only now but when you grow up as well!! Keep looking at the good side of everyday, not the half empty glass but the half full! being happy stimulates a lot of good endorfins (the good hormones in the body) which like little magic good witches they send the bad cells away. Please write to me if there is any question you need to ask and as with grandma I will try to answer all I can.
lots of love

Anonymous said...

Hi Jemima, It's Herbie and Toby here. Were glad you liked your prezzies and were so thrilled to hear you had a great weekend in (Cornwall)!!! and that you are feeling much better. Weve just come back from 4 days in Cornwall and had a really nice time. Weve got some news, were going to choose a chocolate labrador puppy this weekend! We are hopefully getting a girl and wondered if you have any suggestions for her name.
Hows your puppy? We have some lovely pics to show you of you and your sis in Majorca and just need your e.mail to send them.
Lots of love and keep in touch.
The Hart family. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Stewart North said...

Dear Korma,

I am having great fun playing with Rory Dog, but that man Stewart has had to put us in the naughty corner, its all Rory's fault. Every time Stewarts back is turned we run off into the house and pinch something as fast as we can. It causes chaos, all the family running after us and shouting at us. Ho Ho. Our favourite bit is when we bury our face in a cowpat (that was Rory's idea). Stewart goes ballistic and gets very red in the face. Rory had a bath this morning cause he is going home today, but he didn't like being clean so he rolled in a cowpat, how funny it was. (got into trouble tho) I think I might do that tomorrow, then maybe Florie will stop kissing me, yuk.

Digby Dugbum. woof woof

Anonymous said...

Hi Mima,

I spoke with your Uncle Simon on Friday, he told me about your new site and now we can keep in touch.

Holly and Charlotte were in Marblehead, on the East Coast of America,with their Grandma. I went for the weekend to celebrate her 75th birthday and Simon called me while I was in the taxi.

I came back early to pick up our new puppy called Duncan who was flown into Denver from South Dakota where we bought him. Holly and Charlotte are going to send you a picture when they get home.

I think you have been very brave and we know you are going to be better soon. Holly will write when she gets back.

Lots of Love

Uncle Tim in Vail

angela ball said...

Hi Jemima
I have just got your blog from Rachel so I thought that I would give it a go. I am kept updated on your news and present situation by various people but it will be nice to talk direct to you now. I heard that you had a good day at Rutland water with your family recently I hope that you are able to have many more good days out over the summer period.Do you remember Victoria Balchin? Emily would remember her better.well she is coming back to teach at glen in September in the Reception block with Mrs Coyle as her assistant,she will be teaching in my old room and I will be going into Mrs Masons room.
Jemima I hope the treatment you are having will soon make you better,in the meantime chin up and keep that smile on your face.
I would love to see you sometime when you are feeling up to it,just let me know.
love from
Mrs Ball xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Mima, The Harts here. We just received your lovely thank you note, it made us smile. Your horse riding sounded fun. For my mums b.day my dad booked mum a game of horse polo. She loved it but coulden't walk for week with aches and bruises! Any ideas on a name yet for our girl choc pup? we went to see her last week and she is so cute. We will try and send you some photos. We hope you get over your bug quickly and get stronger very soon. Were enjoying your blog, keep it going. lots and lots of love Herbie and Toby.xxxxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

hey jemima my grandma was looking threw the news paper and saw this website and she read all the page about you i cant belive what you have bin threw you are very brave and i hope you carry on being so.. happy i will come on this website often now and send lots of messages to you i love you blog its so.. good talk to you soon love Danielle age 11